Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Taste of Cornwall: Cornish Pasty

A Cornish pasty is a folded piece of pasty, usually for one person to eat, which contains small pieces of meat, potato and other vegetables.
Cornish pasties can be served piping hot, crisp and golden brown and just out of the oven, or eaten cold as a lunch buffet snack with a sprig of parsley.
There is as much folklore around the Cornish Pasty as there are recipe variations. Whatever the truth there is no doubt that the pasty formed an important part of many working Cornishmen's diet, be they miners, farmers, or fishermen. With the decline of the mining industry in Cornwall many Cornishmen were forced to emigrate, as far afield as the USA, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa taking the pasty recipe with them.

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