Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Calm Sea Does Not Make A Skilled Sailor

I Just Don't Know
Anymore ..


Hello peeps !

As of the 31th December 2009 , my blog will undergo a huge transformation to welcome the New Year of 2010 !

I am quite satisfied with the number of people that has visited my blog for the past year and I give millions of thanks to you . I dearly hope it will remain the same way ( or maybe I'll have more visitors next year , perhaps ).

I have received quite a number of tips by my dear readers who use their precious time to email me some useful suggestions about what they would like to see next year .

I will try my best to apply as many of the ideas ( the logical ones , only ) into my blog to make sure that
YOU readers , the blood and vessel of my blog , keep coming back for more !

There are going to be lots of changes ( I hope ) as a sign of goodwill and a will to change for the new year . So , to my fellow readers of all age and gender ..

I do hope that the change of my blog means as an apology to those who I have offended throughout the year of blogging .

It's just that I simply love to blog !

Of course . Some of the characteristics of this blog will remain the same but with a few minor change here and there . This is because I wanna' keep some of Romanza-Jaden's originality for next year's edition .

Thus , whatever the changes there may be I do hope that you will continue to enjoy reading the contents of my blog as much as I do love blogging for you .


Many of my friends are already writing out their New Year's Resolution . On blogs , diaries , Facebook and Friendster .

And I thought to myself ,

" Hey ! Why don't I share my New Year's Resolution
with all of my readers here on my blog ? "

So , here it is . My New Year's Resolution for the year 2010 !

1 ) Be better in my studies ( especially Maths )

2 ) Play a game of fantastic tennis

3 ) Be better in badminton so that I can represent school and not get kicked out at the first round .

4 ) Try my best to make other people laugh even more when they most need it

5 ) Treat everyone the way I want them to treat me (even if some of those obnoxious people who does neither)

6 ) Get myself a nice pair of shoes

7 ) Spend less , save more

8 ) Learn to let loose and be even more outgoing than I already am

9 ) Work out till' the results are obvious

10 ) Win a game of arm wrestling ( I know . Weakling )

11 ) Watch Phineas & Ferb more often

12 ) To be even more sentimental

13 ) Do more charity work

14 ) For the love of God , try to find a new and simple to go with hairstyle

15 ) Gain some weight

16 ) I never really understood the meaning of the phrase "they accepted it as being of course"

17 ) Learn to make a complete course dinner

18 ) Be more of a friend ( be best friends ) with
HER ..

19 ) Learn to do a backstroke

20 ) Progress with caution

I'm sure there are many more New Year's Resolutions I have and wish to do .

But I'm pretty sure you readers are quite fed-up with my continuous rattling .


Andrea Bocelli's latest album ,
My Christmas .

I absolutely love this album . It is by far the best album the great Andrea Bocelli has produced in co-operation with the star-finder , David Foster .

I really really love almost every song in this album . Especially track number 6 " What Child Is This " .

Other songs are cool too but I love track number 6 the most .

And so does Oprah !

I can't buy this because it costs RM 70 ! If only someone with a golden heart is willing to buy me this album , I'd love him/her forever .

Seriously .


This post ends here .

And before I sign off ,

I bid you all a good day and have a wonderful New Year .

I know I will .

Jaden -

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